Massage and Bodywork

The primary focus of typical massage is to promote relaxation and improve the client's well being. Bodywork is using a variety/combination of therapeutic modalities for manipulating body structure and restoring health. A major difference is that during a typical massage you will be feeling very relaxed and comfortable for the majority of the session, with short term lasting effects. During a bodywork session there may be some discomfort, your massage therapist will communicate to ensure it stays in your comfort zone. Bodywork is used if you are; experiencing discomfort (chronic/acute, physical/mental), difficulties with range of motion, looking to increase sports and everyday function. The great thing is that there is a longer lasting extreme feeling of relaxation and relief when the body is restored and balanced.

Common Injuries/Conditions Improved With Massage

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Hip-Pelvis Balance & Decompression

  • Compartment Syndrome of the Leg

  • Knee Treatment (incl. MCL/LCL)

  • Foot & Ankle Injuries

  • Neck Injuries & Advanced Neck Treatment

  • Whiplash Recovery

  • Multiple-Stage Headache Relief Treatments

  • Complete Shoulder Treatment

  • Frozen Shoulder Treatment

  • Bicipital, Supraspinatus & Infraspinatus Tendonitis

  • Low Back Pain Relief (W/Psoas Release)

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • False-Carpal Tunnel/Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Release

  • Shin Splints & Runner’s Injuries

  • False Sciatica & Piriformis Syndrome

  • TMJD & Intraoral Treatment

  • Prenatal Massage (With Body Cushions)

  • And More!

Infrared Sauna/Light Therapy

We have a Good Health Infrared Sauna available for use, every day of the week. This sauna make use of both the visible and invisible aspects of sunlight to warm your body to the core. Our sauna has an air purifying system inside featuring HEPA filters and UV light – the UV light is not emitted externally so it is safe for use. Appointments are 30 or 60 minutes in length and late arrivals will not be accepted since we need adequate time in between sessions for staff to clean, disinfect, and make sure the room is ready for the next customer. We encourage our clients to bring their own towels/robes, but if you need to use ours they will be provided for a $5 charge. The sauna will be preheated at 150 degrees in between appointments and every client is responsible for resetting the sauna temperature to 150 at the end of their appointment. We ask that you also clean the sauna before and after your session using the provided EPA registered cleaning solution.

Sauna/Light Therapy Health Benefits

  • Reduced stress and fatigue

  • Muscle aches

  • Joint relief

  • Arthritis

  • Weight loss and calorie burning

  • Increased metabolism

  • Improved immune system

  • Metabolic waste removal 

  • Clearer skin


Sports Massage

Sports massage focuses on improving performance and everyday function. A combination of massage and stretching is used to relieve tension and improve flexibility/range of motion. This is great for injury prevention, eliminating/reducing chronic pain, and recovery from fatigue/over training. This type of bodywork reduces recovery time, allowing you to get back to training faster and more efficiently. These sessions are designed specifically to the type of sport or activities in your life.


Deep Tissue Massage

Techniques that utilize deep-tissue/deep-muscle massage are administered to affect the sub-layer of musculature and fascia. These techniques require advanced training and a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology. The muscles must be relaxed in order to effectively perform deep-tissue massage, otherwise tight surface muscles prevent the practitioner from reaching deeper musculature. It helps with chronic muscular pain and injury rehabilitation and reduces inflammation-related pain caused by arthritis and tendinitis.


Active Isolated Stretching

The Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) method of muscle lengthening and fascial release is a type of Athletic Stretching Technique that provides effective, dynamic, facilitated stretching of major muscle groups, but more importantly, AIS provides functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep fascial planes. Over the past few decades many experts have advocated that stretching should last up to 60 seconds. For years, this prolonged static stretching technique was the gold standard. However, prolonged static stretching actually decreases the blood flow within the tissue creating localized ischemia and lactic acid buildup. This can potentially cause irritation or injury of local muscular, tendinous, lymphatic, as well as neural tissues, similar to the effects and consequences of trauma and overuse syndromes.


Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is the three-dimensional application of sustained pressure and movement into the fascial system in order to eliminate fascial restrictions and facilitate the emergence of emotional patterns and belief systems that are no longer relevant or are impeding progress. First, an assessment is made by visually analyzing the human frame, followed by the palpation of the tissue texture of various fascial layers. Upon locating an area of fascial tension, gentle pressure is applied in the direction of the restriction. Myofascial release is an effective therapeutic approach in the relief of cervical pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, neurological dysfunction, restriction of motion, chronic pain, and headaches.


Neuromuscular Therapy

Trigger points are hyper-irritated areas in the muscle that often refer pain to other areas of the body. These spots are commonly referred to as knots. Releasing these pressure points reduce pain referral to other areas in the body. Balancing the body structurally reduces tension and pain naturally throughout the body.


Facilitation Stretching

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a more advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of the muscle group being targeted. PNF stretching was originally developed as a form of rehabilitation, and to that effect it is very effective. It is also excellent for targeting specific muscle groups, and as well as increasing flexibility, it also improves muscular strength.

Motor Vehicle Accident Recovery & Massage Therapy

Impact Massage & Bodywork can help you feel better after an auto accident. In most cases, even small muscles and ligaments will be injured in an auto accident and oftentimes, the stiffness and pain from these accidents doesn’t appear for days, weeks, or months. Treating your body early can help prevent future pain and issues. Minnesota’s No-fault Law (your auto insurance) makes it simple – they will cover the treatment needed following a motor vehicle accident, regardless of who’s fault it was. Impact Massage & Bodywork will work directly with your insurance company on the billing details so you can focus on getting better.

Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into acupuncture points. The needles are either then left to passively augment the flow of Qi (chi) or technique is applied to the needle to actively adjust the flow of Qi. In western terms, we use needles to provide stimulus that travels along pathways (nervous, muscular, and connective tissue) called the kinetic chain to broadly affect the body. Sensations that may accompany the insertion of needles are heat, fullness, tingling, or movement. A virtue of Acupuncture is that points are selected on an individual basis and may even change from visit to visit as symptoms change and improve.