Not sure what massage is right for you? You do not need to decide that beforehand. When you get here you can talk to your therapist for 5-10 minutes before your appointment and we will tailor your massage based off of that information. We use a combination of multiple modalities in each massage, we almost never use only one for the entire service.

Tired of getting the "fluff and buff" massages? Have you ever booked a massage session and felt like your therapist was going through the motions and wanted to get on with their day? Maybe your therapist just didn't have the strength to give you your desired pressure? Perhaps they're advertising for a 60-minute session and you're lucky if you're given 50 minutes hands on?! Here at Impact M&B we go above and beyond with every client, ensuring they are getting exactly what they are looking for.


30 Minutes | $50
60 Minutes | $100
90 Minutes | $145
120 Minutes | $190

Chiro Care

First Visit 45 Minute | $100
Follow Up 15 Minutes | $50
Follow Up 30 Minutes | $75
Follow Up 45 Minutes | $100


First Visit 60 Minutes | $130
Follow Up 45 Minutes | $100
Combo Modalities | $160


30 Minutes | $30
60 Minutes | $50

Prenatal Massage

60 Minutes | $100
90 Minutes | $145

Sauna/Light Therapy

30 Minutes | $20
60 Minutes | $35


Gifts Cards

Perfect for any occasion.


Memberships & Packages

Starting at $42/month.

Medical/Insurance Massage

Medical massage requires a written prescription from some form of Dr. (MD, Chiropractor, PT etc). With this prescription your massage is then considered medical massage and is exempt from sales tax. The IRS rules states that medical care expenses must be principally used to relieve or avoid a physical or mental ailment. Examples of ailments that qualify include pain management, sciatica, back and neck pain, inflammation, nerve compression, arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, stress, anxiety, and depression.

Your physician will need to provide the following information on a prescription form:

  • The medical requirement (why you need massage therapy)

  • The occurrence they recommend (number of sessions)

  • The duration (length of treatment)

Using Your FSA or HSA Funds

Massage therapy does qualify for HSA/FSA use.

Motor Vehicle Accident Recovery Massage Therapy

Your auto insurance company may pay your medical bills resulting from an auto accident. Minnesota’s No-Fault Law (your auto insurance) makes it simple – once reported, they will cover the treatment needed following a motor vehicle accident, regardless of who’s fault it was. Impact Massage & Bodywork will work directly with your insurance company on the billing details so you can focus on getting better.